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BUCKED UP® NON-STIM pre workout is loaded with scientifically backed ingredients, at clinically effective dosages. Also includes all natural flavoring and no artificial sweeteners or coloring. BUCKED UP® is a game-changer and doesn't use proprietary blends. We have nothing to hide. You won't find ineffective doses of any ingredients in BUCKED UP® because we know that you don't want to pay for a supplement that isn't going to work. BUCKED UP® is effective for serious athletes, bodybuilders, and anyone else looking to up their game.
We’re not saying everyone should swear to a life of stimulant celibacy -- we love our stimulants just as much as the next caffeine addict -- but there are several factors that could lead you to making the switch, even if temporarily.
Questions to ask yourself: Do you experience regular brain fog each morning? Do you workout at night? Do you have high blood pressure? Are you pregnant? Do you have a low caffeine tolerance? Do you possess an ungodly high tolerance? Do cans of BUCKED UP Energy act as a second floor in your car? If you answered yes to any one of these questions, then the time to try BUCKED UP Non-Stim is...well, last month actually. Trying it now will suffice, though. (For more information on why to go caffeine-free, check out our blog!)
Benefits You Can Trust
Now, you might be thinking; “A pre-workout can’t be effective without caffeine!” or “Energy without stimulants -- no way, that’s heresy!”
We were once skeptics too. And you’re right. It is heresy. But hey, people (i.e. the Roman Catholic Church) once called Galileo a heretic for suggesting the earth wasn’t the center of the universe…yeah...that happened. Like Galileo, we use science to back our heretic ways.
First and foremost: VITAMIN B12: this vitamin is needed to convert carbohydrates into glucose -- the body’s preferred energy source -- thereby increasing your body’s energy PRODUCTION, delaying fatigue and drop kicking lethargy. Surprise: your body can produce energy on its own, it just has to be encouraged (caffeine does the opposite of that).