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Whey protein has been the go-to choice for many as a classic protein supplement due to its high bioavailability and quick absorption, especially when compared to plant-based alternatives. Not only is it insulinogenic, which aids in post-workout recovery, but whey also contains essential amino acids that are vital for our body's functions and must be obtained through diet. Furthermore, numerous studies have shown that when paired with a nutrient-dense, high-protein diet, whey supplementation can significantly improve strength and body composition in both men and women.
The isolate aspect of whey protein isolate refers to the additional filtration process that removes unwanted carbohydrates and fats from the whey protein fraction of milk. This filtration process is crucial, as it results in a 90% purity level for whey protein isolates - the industry standard. The high purity level makes this supplement suitable for a variety of dietary needs, including low-carb and low-fat diets, due to the removal of excess macronutrients.
According to industry experts, those who are not vegans and do not have dairy sensitivities can greatly benefit from using whey protein to increase their protein intake and improve their diet. Even those with a slight lactose intolerance may still be able to tolerate whey protein due to the removal of a majority of the lactose. Don't miss out on the numerous advantages of incorporating whey protein into your diet. Itholate may be your key as it is a much more pure whey protein that won't hurt your tummy like those cheap alternatives that have less filtering and more fillers, unlike this high quality and next generation flavor system!