The key scientifically backed weight loss driver in this powerful formula. It’s been shown in two different studies to support healthy weight loss.
100 MG
A unique plant supplement derived from the root of a member of the mint family. Since ancient times, Coleus plants have been used traditionally.
Combined with other potent ingredients, the formula delivers a one-of-a-kind sensory experience.
*In one study, researchers monitored subjects who took C. canephora robusta — the key weight loss ingredient in Hydroxycut Hardcore®Elite — for 60 days. On average, they lost 10.95 lbs., while the placebo group lost an average of 5.4 lbs. Both groups followed a low-calorie diet. In a separate 8-week study, researchers monitored two groups following a calorie-reduced diet and performing moderate exercise. Subjects using C. canephora robusta lost an average of 3.7 lbs., while those using a placebo lost an average of 1.25 lbs.